You inspire me, Mona. I will be a difficult woman, in honor of all the women who were and still are being trampled underfoot. We are not pets or children--not that they should be trampled underfoot either! We women must learn how to demand and receive respect.
Your story reminds me of a time when a friend (a man) said I was an argumentative person. I responded, "Who, me?" Because I'm not. Then I thought about what could possibly inspire him to say that, and I realized it was that I don't like to be told what to do, particularly by men. I am not submissive. It is not my nature. I am friendly and kind and fair and agreeable--but will not submit to "authority" if I don't agree with its suggestion on my own terms. No one has authority over me--not even a boss, because I can always quit and walk away. That's the way I like it, and that's the way it should be.