Wow. You really tell it like it is, Taylor B.! As an older woman, I can report that the sexual revolution never served me. It hurt me. BUT, I can also report that attitudes have changed and we have grown as a culture since the 70s. We are improving. Back in the day, a date raped me and I didn't even know I'd been raped. That's how messed up we all were--men and women both. I'm sure he felt no compunction about it either. I think that would be different for him today. It certainly would for me. My belief is the central idea which must be taught to every daughter is that her body belongs to her. NOT her parents. NOT her boyfriend. She gets to decide when to have sex. And hopefully, not to please a boyfriend or keep up with a girlfriend, but because she wants it for her own pleasure. That is the message I gave my daughter, and it served her well. When she told the story of it in a female sexuality class in a high-powered college, it blew the women's minds. These super smart women had never heard or believed that their bodies belonged to them! One went home and spray painted it on her wall: My Body is My Own. Once we give women that understanding and power, date rape will end; meaningless hookups will end, at least for women; and women will get a lot more pleasure out of sex. They absolutely MUST be in charge of their bodies. And if you have a little 13 year old girl, you need to suck it up and tell her how to protect herself from unwanted pregnancy and STDs, and then step back. That's the most precious gift a parent can give a girl child. Give her complete power over her own body. It's hard for parents to give up that control and protectiveness, but you will be creating a powerful woman through that act.