This is a really tough issue to tackle and you've done it brilliantly. When disrespect and sexism are disguised as compliments, they are very hard to dispute. I can feel and sympathize with your exhaustion just showing up and working and asserting your right to exist in male dominated spaces. And like you, I find that Sarah Cooper series "How to be Successful Without Hurting Men's Feelings" hilarious and spot on. I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and thereby shucked the discomfort off your shoulders and onto his. Ideally, you wouldn't have to do that. You would just be accorded the appropriate courtesy and respect. But good for you for figuring out how to persevere in a hostile work environment. Here's hoping your transfer lands you in a better place. And also, that one day male coworkers get a f*cking clue about how to behave!!!