Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. I'm stymied by her maternal grandmother and grandfather, who are raising her. They do not value education and identify themselves as stupid! My granddaughter is not stupid, but both her biological parents have major mental illnesses and are not part of her life. My granddaughter and her grandparents (whom she calls mom and dad) live in another town 2 hours away, so I would need their cooperation to get this child online to Zoom with me regularly. So far, I don't have that. :( I would call the police or school district but I don't want her taken away from them and put in foster care. They love her, even though they let her play all night on her phone and sleep all day. At least she's not being molested, which is the fate of many neglected girl children (and boys too). It's a tough situation and I'm still working on it. Thank you again for your response.