Thank you for this story, and your whole series. It has helped me have more compassion for a red pill friend, and our relationship is improving. Of course, I'd prefer an instant solution. But life doesn't work like that. These are very good ideas.
They remind me of a story I read about a young man whose dad was a big neo-nazi. The redheaded boy was the heir apparent, and helped them set up a popular and lucrative website, and was a featured speaker at their conventions, etc. Then he went to college. He went incognito at first, and a Jewish man invited him to a weekly dinner with classmates. When his identity was revealed, much of the campus shunned him. But not his Jewish friend. Simply by extending friendship and being consistently there for him, this man had a profound impact. Eventually, the son realized he didn't believe his father's hateful ideology which considered Jewish people and people of color to be inferior. I think he's written a book about it which I read. But I can't remember! Will look it up. It must have taken a lot to reject his father and his powerful place in that community, but he did. He also fell in love with a girl who didn't share those beliefs, so that helped. Here's a story I found about him: Derek Black: It mentions the book I read: Rising Out of Hatred.