Oof. This is a tough one. Thank you for being on the front lines of figuring it out. It seems the Internet encourages bad behavior w it’s lack of consequences for assholes. My hope is other people online will stop giving assholes attention and they will sputter out. Also, daughter of Eve? OMG, that guy has a problem w women and thank goddess you got away.
I hope you stumble upon a sweet man soon. I know they are hard to find, but they’re out there. I’m not sure why this story reminds me of your predicament. A restaurant owner who is good and kind stands up against a scary army of Proud Boys trying to shut down her popular drag brunch. https://medium.com/reclaiming-rural/when-the-proud-boys-came-to-town-4af5bfdd0e8c I think female sexual liberation is kind of like that — good people outnumber bad but are more quiet — and like the line in the Yeats’ poem “the best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”