InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonA Call to Pele, Goddess of Volcanoes, to Get the Murderous Men Out of CongressAll those who oppose gun control must goJun 14, 20227Jun 14, 20227
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonPropitious Dreams for 2023We are destined to have a magically good yearJan 13, 20232Jan 13, 20232
InThe Taoist OnlinebyPatsy FergussonTwo Rituals and an Invitation for 2024If at first you don’t succeed…Jan 8, 20246Jan 8, 20246
InThe Taoist OnlinebyPatsy FergussonI Want to Start a New CultThe metaphorical blood of women will imbue our ritualsSep 23, 202339Sep 23, 202339
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonJesus Didn’t Disrespect WomenThe misogyny in the Bible was inserted by jealous menSep 25, 202318Sep 25, 202318
InThe Taoist OnlinebyPatsy FergussonThe Best Holy Book for Women is the Tao Te ChingForget the patriarchal Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and IslamJun 25, 202343Jun 25, 202343
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonEve Delivered Us From IgnoranceWhy does Original Woman get hate for raising humans up?Sep 13, 20202Sep 13, 20202
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonHow I PrayEven though I’m not sure I believe in godFeb 15, 20195Feb 15, 20195
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonArt is One Way to Cope With PainAnd nature is a form of artMay 2, 20224May 2, 20224
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonThe Bible Doesn’t Forbid AbortionReligious leaders who claim authority on fetuses are lyingJul 27, 20216Jul 27, 20216
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonStop Drowning in Your Own Self RegardTake your eyes off your navel and look up and outJul 14, 20191Jul 14, 20191
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonHow to Know if Your Family is CursedAnd how to counteract the spellNov 9, 20218Nov 9, 20218
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonIs Trump Possessed by Satan?Spreading hate has long been Beezlebub’s metierJul 15, 20194Jul 15, 20194
InFourth WavebyPatsy Fergusson“Umwelt” is My New Favorite WordHow about we move empathy from the heart to the brain?Jun 8, 20213Jun 8, 20213
InFourth WavebyPatsy FergussonThere’s No Difference Between a Witch and a ChristianBoth ask for help from a mysterious sourceSep 11, 20192Sep 11, 20192
InTarot Me ThisbyPatsy FergussonExploring the Artwork of TarotAncient cards have inspired artists for centuriesMay 6, 2020May 6, 2020
InTarot Me ThisbyPatsy FergussonThree EmperorsDifferent tarot decks give different slants on the same cardMay 25, 2020May 25, 2020
InQueen’s ChildrenbyPatsy FergussonEverything Changes December 21Thank god and the cosmosDec 20, 20202Dec 20, 20202
InElementalbyNina BurleighA Visit to the Land of Happy Old PeopleReflections on the Mediterranean diet as an antidote to encroaching middle ageJun 4, 201934Jun 4, 201934
Jenny Odellhow to do nothingThis is the transcript of a keynote talk I gave at EYEO 2017 in Minneapolis. An adapted version appears in my book, How to Do Nothing…Jun 30, 2017155Jun 30, 2017155