I found this information on Wikipedia while researching another story, but it seems relevant here. It says white people invented rape! Also, the patriarchy perpetuates it, and that it is related to a need for control and power. I think this is related to the important and insightful points you make about OnlyFans and why men hate the creators there, who are independent and not controlled. Here's a quote:
"Many scholars comment on the strong connection between colonialism and rape. Some argue that rape was uncommon among Indigenous communities before the arrival of Europeans.[10] This has to do with the patriarchal society that Europeans enforced onto many Indigenous communities and the change from Indigenous matriarchs to Indigenous patriarchs. The patriarchy of Europeans promoted the idea of nudity with sexuality; therefore Indigenous women were seen as lewd and impure.[10] Sexual violence against Indigenous women ties in closely with the need for control and power: when an Indigenous woman is raped it is seen as permissible and necessary due to the understanding that Indigenous women are less than white women and bordering on inhuman.[11] There were many instances where colonists openly proclaimed that Indigenous women were sinful and that there was no such thing as a virtuous Indigenous woman."
That came from this site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonial_sexual_violence_(North_America)