He only calls women nasty, a sexist tell.
How dare she ask for mercy in a church! (Hahahah!) Thank you for praising this fearless woman. Women have a lot of spine and backbone, in my experience. Like you say, she was braver than the world's richest men (and most of Congress).
It's ludicrous to assign the role of "protector" to men, when men are the ones who do the harm via violence. They don't protect, they rape, threaten, beat up, raid, wage war, etc.
You are right that Trump supporters worship him, not god. I saw more than one flag that said God, Trump, Guns. Wow. As if god approves of guns.
And those who don't want to be "woke" want to be in a coma, I guess? Because what's the opposite of being awake? Appropriately, it's being asleep, unable to see what's right in front of you.
Thank you for writing this thank you note to Budde. Add my name.